| |
- __builtin__.object
- Experiment
- ExperimentRunner
- Logger
- Network
- NetworkProxy
- Neuron
- PySwigIterator
- Setup
- string
class Experiment(__builtin__.object) |
Proxy of C++ Experiment class |
Methods defined here:
- __del__ lambda self
- __getattr__ lambda self, name
- __init__(self, *args)
- __init__(self) -> Experiment
__init__(self, Experiment a) -> Experiment
- __repr__ = _swig_repr(self)
- __setattr__ lambda self, name, value
- getChangeStrings(*args)
- getChangeStrings(self) -> vector<(std::string)>
- getName(*args)
- getName(self) -> string
- getTime(*args)
- getTime(self) -> fp_type
- load(*args)
- load(self, string experimentFilename)
- save(*args)
- save(self, string experimentFilename)
- setName(*args)
- setName(self, string experimentName)
- setTime(*args)
- setTime(self, fp_type time2)
- setup(*args)
- setup(self, string experimentName, searchPath experimentSearchPath,
double dt, FArray<(fp_type)> ourArgs)
Data descriptors defined here:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __swig_destroy__ = <built-in function delete_Experiment>
- delete_Experiment(Experiment self)
- __swig_getmethods__ = {}
- __swig_setmethods__ = {}
class ExperimentRunner(__builtin__.object) |
Proxy of C++ ExperimentRunner class |
Methods defined here:
- __del__ lambda self
- __getattr__ lambda self, name
- __init__(self, *args)
- __init__(self) -> ExperimentRunner
- __repr__ = _swig_repr(self)
- __setattr__ lambda self, name, value
- run(*args)
- run(self, Setup setup)
Data descriptors defined here:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __swig_destroy__ = <built-in function delete_ExperimentRunner>
- delete_ExperimentRunner(ExperimentRunner self)
- __swig_getmethods__ = {}
- __swig_setmethods__ = {}
class Logger(__builtin__.object) |
Proxy of C++ Logger class |
Methods defined here:
- __del__ lambda self
- __getattr__ lambda self, name
- __init__(self, *args)
- __init__(self) -> Logger
- __lshift__(*args)
- __lshift__(self, long jack) -> Logger
__lshift__(self, unsigned long jack) -> Logger
__lshift__(self, int jack) -> Logger
__lshift__(self, float jack) -> Logger
__lshift__(self, double jack) -> Logger
__lshift__(self, string jack) -> Logger
__lshift__(self, char jack) -> Logger
__lshift__(self, char jack) -> Logger
__lshift__(self, Loggerfunc a) -> Logger
__lshift__(self, states a) -> Logger
- __repr__ = _swig_repr(self)
- __setattr__ lambda self, name, value
- getCerr(*args)
- getCerr(self) -> ostream
- getCout(*args)
- getCout(self) -> ostream
- setFilename(*args)
- setFilename(self, string filename)
Static methods defined here:
- instance(*args)
- instance() -> Logger
Data descriptors defined here:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
- debug
- Logger_debug_get(Logger self) -> ostream
- error
- Logger_error_get(Logger self) -> ostream
- info
- Logger_info_get(Logger self) -> ostream
Data and other attributes defined here:
- DEBUG = 2
- ERR = 1
- ERROR = 1
- INFO = 0
- __swig_destroy__ = <built-in function delete_Logger>
- delete_Logger(Logger self)
- __swig_getmethods__ = {'debug': <built-in function Logger_debug_get>, 'error': <built-in function Logger_error_get>, 'info': <built-in function Logger_info_get>, 'instance': <function <lambda> at 0x74ad70>}
- __swig_setmethods__ = {'debug': <built-in function Logger_debug_set>, 'error': <built-in function Logger_error_set>, 'info': <built-in function Logger_info_set>}
class Network(__builtin__.object) |
Proxy of C++ Network class |
Methods defined here:
- __del__ lambda self
- __getattr__ lambda self, name
- __init__(self, *args)
- __init__(self) -> Network
- __repr__ = _swig_repr(self)
- __setattr__ lambda self, name, value
- add(*args)
- add(self, Neuron neuron)
- addNeuron(*args)
- addNeuron(self, char neuronName)
- addNeurons(*args)
- addNeurons(self, char neuronName, int number)
- clearAllConnections(*args)
- clearAllConnections(self, range ourRange=range(long(1),long(0)))
- connectAll2All(*args)
- connectAll2All(self, char connectionType, bool allowAutapses=False)
connectAll2All(self, char connectionType)
- connectWithWiringProbability(self, fromType, toType, connectionType, probability)
- get(*args)
- get(self, int index) -> Neuron
- getAllNeurons(self)
- getAllOutboundConnectionTypes(self)
- getCompletionFraction(*args)
- getCompletionFraction(self) -> double
- getIDsForNeuronType(self, neuronType)
- Returns all the ID#s for the neurons within the given neuron type.
- getInboundConnectionTypesByNeuronType(self, neuronType)
- getName(*args)
- getName(self) -> string
- getNeuron(self, neuronID)
- Returns the Neuron with the given neuronID from the network.
- getNeuronTypes(self)
- Returns a list of neuron types in the network.
- getNeuronTypesDictionary(self)
- Returns a dictionary of neuron types as keys with a list of neurons of that type as value.
- getNeuronsByID(self, ids)
- getNeuronsByType(self, neuronType)
- Returns a list of neurons with the given neuron type from the network.
- getOutboundConnectionTypesByNeuronType(self, neuronType)
- getRandomIDfromNeuronType(self, neuronType)
- Randomly selects a neuron ID from the list of neurons with the 'neuronType' passed as argument.
- load(*args)
- load(self, char filename, long storageSpace=32670, fp_type dt=-1,
int quietload=0) -> int
load(self, char filename, long storageSpace=32670, fp_type dt=-1) -> int
load(self, char filename, long storageSpace=32670) -> int
load(self, char filename) -> int
- loadAdjacencyMatrix(self, ifilename, connectionType=None, connectionDictionary=None)
- move(*args)
- move(self, int initpos, int finalpos)
- remove(*args)
- remove(self, Neuron neuron)
- removeAllConnections(self)
- removeNeuronsByID(self, ids)
- removeNeuronsByType(self, neuronType)
- save(*args)
- save(self, char filename, bool compress=True, int nrnDetailLvl=2) -> int
save(self, char filename, bool compress=True) -> int
save(self, char filename) -> int
save(self) -> int
- saveAdjacencyMatrix(self, ofilename, connectionType, columnSeparator=' ')
- setCompletionFraction(*args)
- setCompletionFraction(self, double newFraction)
- setName(*args)
- setName(self, string name2)
- shuffle(*args)
- shuffle(self)
- size(*args)
- size(self) -> int
- stats(self, columnWidth=15)
- summarize(self, columnWidth=12)
- updateIDs(*args)
- updateIDs(self)
Static methods defined here:
- getCurrentTime(*args)
- getCurrentTime() -> double
- setCurrentTime(*args)
- setCurrentTime(double currentTime2)
Data descriptors defined here:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
- currentTime
- neurons
- Network_neurons_get(Network self) -> GArray<(p.Neuron)>
- tpoint
- Network_tpoint_get(Network self) -> FArray<(double)>
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __swig_destroy__ = <built-in function delete_Network>
- delete_Network(Network self)
- __swig_getmethods__ = {'currentTime': <built-in function Network_currentTime_get>, 'getCurrentTime': <function <lambda> at 0x74d5f0>, 'neurons': <built-in function Network_neurons_get>, 'setCurrentTime': <function <lambda> at 0x74d670>, 'tpoint': <built-in function Network_tpoint_get>}
- __swig_setmethods__ = {'currentTime': <built-in function Network_currentTime_set>, 'neurons': <built-in function Network_neurons_set>, 'tpoint': <built-in function Network_tpoint_set>}
class Neuron(__builtin__.object) |
Proxy of C++ Neuron class |
Methods defined here:
- __del__ lambda self
- __getattr__ lambda self, name
- __init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
- __repr__ = _swig_repr(self)
- __setattr__ lambda self, name, value
- addConnectionFrom(*args)
- addConnectionFrom(self, unsigned long connectionType, Neuron fromNeuron, fp_type latency=0,
fp_type defaultWeight=1.0)
addConnectionFrom(self, unsigned long connectionType, Neuron fromNeuron, fp_type latency=0)
addConnectionFrom(self, unsigned long connectionType, Neuron fromNeuron)
- addConnectionTo(*args)
- addConnectionTo(self, char connectionType, Neuron toNeuron, fp_type latency=0,
fp_type weight=1.0)
addConnectionTo(self, char connectionType, Neuron toNeuron, fp_type latency=0)
addConnectionTo(self, char connectionType, Neuron toNeuron)
addConnectionTo(self, unsigned long connectionType, Neuron toNeuron, fp_type latency=0,
fp_type weight=1.0)
addConnectionTo(self, unsigned long connectionType, Neuron toNeuron, fp_type latency=0)
addConnectionTo(self, unsigned long connectionType, Neuron toNeuron)
- addConnectionsTo(self, connectionType, compartments)
- Adds the same type of connection to all the target compartments.
- addGroup(*args)
- addGroup(self, string groupName)
- addInputVar(*args)
- addInputVar(self, string aname, fp_type actual)
addInputVar(self, string aname) -> bool
- addOutputVar(*args)
- addOutputVar(self, string gname, bool shouldOut=True) -> bool
addOutputVar(self, string gname) -> bool
- addStatVar(*args)
- addStatVar(self, string gname) -> bool
- addToParameterVar(*args)
- addToParameterVar(self, char parameterName, double value)
- attemptAddInputVar(*args)
- attemptAddInputVar(self, string aname, fp_type actual)
- disconnectAll(*args)
- disconnectAll(self)
- disconnectType(*args)
- disconnectType(self, char connectionType)
disconnectType(self, unsigned long connectionType)
- getGroup(*args)
- getGroup(self, int index) -> string
- getGroups(self)
- Get the groups that this neuron is associated with as a list.
- getInboundConnection(*args)
- getInboundConnection(self, int index, char connectionType) -> Neuron
- getInboundConnectionID(*args)
- getInboundConnectionID(self, int index, char connectionType) -> int
- getInboundConnectionType(*args)
- getInboundConnectionType(self, unsigned long connectionType) -> char
- getInboundConnectionTypeIndex(*args)
- getInboundConnectionTypeIndex(self, char connectionType) -> int
- getInboundConnectionTypes(self)
- Returns a list of connection types from other neurons.
- getName(*args)
- getName(self) -> char
- getNeuronType(*args)
- getNeuronType(self) -> char
- getNumberOfGroups(*args)
- getNumberOfGroups(self) -> int
- getNumberOfInboundConnectionTypes(*args)
- getNumberOfInboundConnectionTypes(self) -> int
- getNumberOfInboundConnections(*args)
- getNumberOfInboundConnections(self) -> int
getNumberOfInboundConnections(self, char connectionType) -> int
- getNumberOfOutboundConnectionTypes(*args)
- getNumberOfOutboundConnectionTypes(self) -> int
- getNumberOfOutboundConnections(*args)
- getNumberOfOutboundConnections(self) -> int
getNumberOfOutboundConnections(self, char connectionType) -> int
- getNumberOfParameterVars(*args)
- getNumberOfParameterVars(self) -> int
- getNumberOfStateVars(*args)
- getNumberOfStateVars(self) -> int
- getNumberOfWienerVars(*args)
- getNumberOfWienerVars(self) -> int
- getOutboundConnection(*args)
- getOutboundConnection(self, int index, char connectionType) -> Neuron
- getOutboundConnectionID(*args)
- getOutboundConnectionID(self, int index, char connectionType) -> int
- getOutboundConnectionIDs(self, connectionType)
- Returns a list of ID#s of the neurons this neuron is connected to.
- getOutboundConnectionType(*args)
- getOutboundConnectionType(self, unsigned long connectionType) -> char
- getOutboundConnectionTypeIndex(*args)
- getOutboundConnectionTypeIndex(self, char connectionType) -> int
- getOutboundConnectionTypes(self)
- Returns a list of connection types to other neurons.
- getOutboundConnections(self, connectionType)
- Returns a list of Connections representing all the connections to other neurons.
- getParameter(self, name)
- Gets the Neuron's parameter with the specified 'name'.
- getParameterName(*args)
- getParameterName(self, int index) -> char
- getParameterNames(self)
- Returns a list of the Neuron's parameter names.
- getParameterVar(*args)
- getParameterVar(self, char parameterName) -> double
- getStateVar(*args)
- getStateVar(self, char stateVarName) -> double
getStateVar(self, unsigned int index) -> fp_type
- getStateVariable(self, stateVariable)
- Gets the value of the state variable with name, 'stateVariable'.
- getStateVariableName(*args)
- getStateVariableName(self, int index) -> char
- getStateVariableNames(self)
- Returns an array with each state variable's name.
- isParameter(self, name)
- Returns True if the Neuron contains a parameter with the specified 'name'.
- isStateVariable(self, name)
- Returns True if the Neuron contains a state variable with the specified 'name'.
- removeConnectionFrom(*args)
- removeConnectionFrom(self, unsigned long connectionType, Neuron fromNeuron)
- removeConnectionTo(*args)
- removeConnectionTo(self, char connectionType, Neuron toNeuron)
removeConnectionTo(self, unsigned long connectionType, Neuron toNeuron)
- removeInputs(*args)
- removeInputs(self)
- setInputVariables(*args)
- setInputVariables(self)
- setName(*args)
- setName(self, char gname)
- setParameter(self, name, value)
- Sets the Neuron's parameter with the specified 'name' to the specified 'value'.
- setParameterVar(*args)
- setParameterVar(self, char parameterName, double value)
- setStateVar(*args)
- setStateVar(self, double statevar, unsigned int index)
- setStateVariable(self, name, value)
- Sets the Neuron's state variable with the specified 'name' to the specified 'value'.
Static methods defined here:
- setPrintStepSize(*args)
- setPrintStepSize(int a)
Data descriptors defined here:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
- aliasingType
- connectionValue
- Neuron_connectionValue_get(Neuron self) -> TArray<(fp_type)>
- coshTable
- cumulativeIter
- dt
- id
- Neuron_id_get(Neuron self) -> int
- intraExperimentIter
- name
- Neuron_name_get(Neuron self) -> string
- noise_param
- oneOverPSS
- outputBufferIter
- printStepIter
- printStepSize
- t
- tpoint
- xInfTable
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __swig_destroy__ = <built-in function delete_Neuron>
- delete_Neuron(Neuron self)
- __swig_getmethods__ = {'aliasingType': <built-in function Neuron_aliasingType_get>, 'connectionValue': <built-in function Neuron_connectionValue_get>, 'coshTable': <built-in function Neuron_coshTable_get>, 'cumulativeIter': <built-in function Neuron_cumulativeIter_get>, 'dt': <built-in function Neuron_dt_get>, 'id': <built-in function Neuron_id_get>, 'intraExperimentIter': <built-in function Neuron_intraExperimentIter_get>, 'name': <built-in function Neuron_name_get>, 'noise_param': <built-in function Neuron_noise_param_get>, 'oneOverPSS': <built-in function Neuron_oneOverPSS_get>, ...}
- __swig_setmethods__ = {'aliasingType': <built-in function Neuron_aliasingType_set>, 'connectionValue': <built-in function Neuron_connectionValue_set>, 'coshTable': <built-in function Neuron_coshTable_set>, 'cumulativeIter': <built-in function Neuron_cumulativeIter_set>, 'dt': <built-in function Neuron_dt_set>, 'id': <built-in function Neuron_id_set>, 'intraExperimentIter': <built-in function Neuron_intraExperimentIter_set>, 'name': <built-in function Neuron_name_set>, 'noise_param': <built-in function Neuron_noise_param_set>, 'oneOverPSS': <built-in function Neuron_oneOverPSS_set>, ...}
class Setup(__builtin__.object) |
Proxy of C++ Setup class |
Methods defined here:
- __del__ lambda self
- __getattr__ lambda self, name
- __init__(self, *args)
- __init__(self) -> Setup
- __repr__ = _swig_repr(self)
- __setattr__ lambda self, name, value
- addExperiment(*args)
- addExperiment(self, Experiment experiment)
- addExperiments(*args)
- addExperiments(self, Experiment experiment, int numberOfExperiments)
- addNetwork(*args)
- addNetwork(self, Network network)
- addNetworkProxy(*args)
- addNetworkProxy(self, NetworkProxy proxy)
- addOutputStatsVariable(*args)
- addOutputStatsVariable(self, string variableName)
- addOutputVariable(*args)
- addOutputVariable(self, string variableName)
- addRasterVariable(*args)
- addRasterVariable(self, string variableName)
- backup(*args)
- backup(self, string path)
- getAliasType(*args)
- getAliasType(self) -> string
- getAnalysisVariable(*args)
- getAnalysisVariable(self, int index) -> string
- getCompletionFraction(*args)
- getCompletionFraction(self) -> double
- getDecorate(*args)
- getDecorate(self) -> int
- getDt(*args)
- getDt(self) -> double
- getExperiment(*args)
- getExperiment(self, int index) -> string
- getExperimentsList(self)
- getExperimentsMap(self)
- getFolderPathName(*args)
- getFolderPathName(self) -> string
- getMethod(*args)
- getMethod(self) -> string
- getName(*args)
- getName(self) -> string
- getNetwork(*args)
- getNetwork(self) -> Network
- getNetworkName(*args)
- getNetworkName(self) -> string
- getNetworkProxies(*args)
- getNetworkProxies(self) -> GArray<(p.NetworkProxy)>
- getNumberOfAnalysisVariables(*args)
- getNumberOfAnalysisVariables(self) -> int
- getNumberOfExperiments(*args)
- getNumberOfExperiments(self) -> int
- getNumberOfOutputStats(*args)
- getNumberOfOutputStats(self) -> int
- getNumberOfOutputVariables(*args)
- getNumberOfOutputVariables(self) -> int
- getNumberOfRasterVariables(*args)
- getNumberOfRasterVariables(self) -> int
- getOutputStat(*args)
- getOutputStat(self, int index) -> string
- getOutputVariable(*args)
- getOutputVariable(self, int index) -> string
- getOutputVariablesList(self)
- getPrintStepSize(*args)
- getPrintStepSize(self) -> int
- getRasterVariable(*args)
- getRasterVariable(self, int index) -> string
- getRasterVariablesList(self)
- getSaveLvl(*args)
- getSaveLvl(self) -> int
- getSetupSeed(*args)
- getSetupSeed(self) -> long
- getSimulationRngState(*args)
- getSimulationRngState(self) -> string
- getSimulationSeed(*args)
- getSimulationSeed(self) -> long
- load(*args)
- load(self, char setupFilename)
load(self, string setupFilename)
- save(*args)
- save(self, char setupFilename)
save(self, string setupFilename)
- setAliasType(*args)
- setAliasType(self, string aliasType2)
- setCompletionFraction(*args)
- setCompletionFraction(self, double newFraction)
- setCurrentNetworkIndex(*args)
- setCurrentNetworkIndex(self, int index)
- setDecorate(*args)
- setDecorate(self, int index)
- setDt(*args)
- setDt(self, double dt2)
- setFolderPathName(*args)
- setFolderPathName(self, string folderName)
- setMethod(*args)
- setMethod(self, string method)
setMethod(self, char method)
- setName(*args)
- setName(self, string name)
- setNetwork(*args)
- setNetwork(self, Network network)
- setPrintStepSize(*args)
- setPrintStepSize(self, int printStepSize2)
- setSaveLvl(*args)
- setSaveLvl(self, int index)
- setSimulationRngState(*args)
- setSimulationRngState(self, string value)
Data descriptors defined here:
- __dict__
- dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
- list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Data and other attributes defined here:
- __swig_destroy__ = <built-in function delete_Setup>
- delete_Setup(Setup self)
- __swig_getmethods__ = {}
- __swig_setmethods__ = {}