> mkdir ~/nne_models |
Excitatory cortical neurons, 0 [Ca]. # number Cm=1.0 number pms=3,pns=4 number VNa=55.0,t_tauh=-40.5,t_taun=-27.0 number thetaa=-50.0,sigmaa=20.0,thetab=-80.0,sigmab=-6.0,tauBs=15.0 number sigmam=9.5,sigmah=-7.0,sigman=10.0,sigmaz=5.0,sigmak=7 # p gNa=35.0,gKdr=6.0,gL=0.05,Iapp=0.661914 p gA=1.4,gNaP=0.3,gZ=1.0 p thetaz=-39.0,tauZs=75.0 p phi=10.0, thetah=-45.0 p thetam=-30.0,thetan=-35.0,thetap=-47.0,sigmap=3.0 p VK=-90.0,VL=-70.0 # GAMMAF(VV,theta,sigma)=1.0/(1.0+exp(-(VV-theta)/sigma)) #ZFUNC(AA,CA,zz)=1/(1+(AA^zz/CA^zz)) # V'=(-gL*(V-VL)-INa-INaP-IKdr-IA-Iz+Iappx)/Cm hhs'=phi*(GAMMAF(V,thetah,sigmah)-hhs)/(1.0+7.5*GAMMAF(V,t_tauh,-6.0)) nns'=phi*(GAMMAF(V,thetan,sigman)-nns)/(1.0+5.0*GAMMAF(V,t_taun,-15.0)) bbs'=(GAMMAF(V,thetab,sigmab)-bbs)/tauBs zzs'=(GAMMAF(V,thetaz,sigmaz)-zzs)/tauZs # Iappx=Iapp #Iappx=if(t<=3.0)then(Iapp)else(0.0) Minfs=GAMMAF(V,thetam,sigmam) Pinfs=GAMMAF(V,thetap,sigmap) Ainfs=GAMMAF(V,thetaa,sigmaa) # INa=gNa*(Minfs^pms)*hhs*(V-VNa) INaP=gNaP*Pinfs*(V-VNa) IKdr=gKdr*(nns^pns)*(V-VK) IA=gA*Ainfs^3*bbs*(V-VK) Iz=gZ*zzs*(V-VK) # init V=-71.81327 init hhs=0.98786 init nns=0.02457 init bbs=0.203517 init zzs=0.00141 |
cd ~/nne_models > nne_buildOdenModels |
nne_run zca
zca.net Dt 0.05 # with a timestep of 0.05 Print Step Size 1 # and should output data every time step Output t V hhs nns bbs zzs # and should output time and each of the state variables for all the neurons Experiment control 1 # and should run the experiment in control.exp once |
Time: 500 # Indicates the simulator should run 500 ms for this experiment iteration |
ID: 1 Neuron Name: zca Initial conditions: V -71.8133 hhs 0.98786 nns 2.457e-02 bbs 0.203517 zzs 1.41e-03 Associated Variable Values: Cm 1 Iapp 0.661914 VK -90 VL -70 VNa 55 gA 1.4 gKdr 6 gL 5.e-02 gNa 35 gNaP 0.3 gZ 1 phi 10 pms 3 pns 4 sigmaa 20 sigmab -6 sigmah -7 sigmak 7 sigmam 9.5 sigman 10 sigmap 3 sigmaz 5 t_tauh -40.5 t_taun -27 tauBs 15 tauZs 75 thetaa -50 thetab -80 thetah -45 thetam -30 thetan -35 thetap -47 thetaz -39 |
nne_run zca.setup
zzs 0 -71.7802 0.987335 2.45734e-02 0.203516 1.41e-03 5.e-02 -71.7473 0.986834 2.45831e-02 0.203511 1.41001e-03 0.1 -71.7144 0.986357 2.45986e-02 0.203504 1.41003e-03 0.15 -71.6817 0.985901 2.46194e-02 0.203493 1.41005e-03 ... ... ... ... ... ... |