Neuron ID: 1-50 Neuron Name: zca Excitatory Connections To: Initial conditions: V -71.8133 hhs 0.98786 nns 2.457e-02 bbs 0.203517 zzs 1.41e-03 s_AMPA 0 Associated Variable Values: Cm 1 Iapp 0.661914 VK -90 VL -70 VNa 55 gA 1.4 gKdr 6 gL 5.e-02 gNa 35 gNaP 0.3 gZ 1 gsyn 1 phi 10 pms 3 pns 4 sigmaa 20 sigmab -6 sigmah -7 sigmak 7 sigmam 9.5 sigman 10 sigmap 3 sigmas -2 sigmaz 5 t_tauh -40.5 t_taun -27 tauBs 15 tauZs 75 taus 15 thetaa -50 thetab -80 thetah -45 thetam -30 thetan -35 thetap -47 thetas -10 thetaz -39 |
Dt 0.05 Print Step Size 1 Output V hhs nns bbs zzs s_AMPA Experiment control 5 Change V = gauss(-70.0, 5.0) |
of Neuron Types: 1 For neurons named zca Number: 50 Inbound Connections: name ave std min max Excitatory 0 -0 0 0 Inbound Connections Latency: name ave std min max Excitatory 0 -0 0 0 Outbound Connections: name ave std min max Excitatory 0 -0 0 0 Outbound Connections Latency: name ave std min max Excitatory 0 -0 0 0 State Variables: name ave std min max V -69.7967 5.36112 -79.8999 -49.5703 hhs 0.98786 0 0.98786 0.98786 nns 2.457e-02 0 2.457e-02 2.457e-02 bbs 0.203517 0 0.203517 0.203517 zzs 1.41e-03 0 1.41e-03 1.41e-03 s_AMPA 0 -0 0 0 |
Dt 0.05 Print Step Size 1 Output V # We just output the V for each of the 50 neurons to save disk space Output On Network: V # Also, average the V across the network and output to network.txt Raster: V 7.0 # Generate a raster diagram using the V to determine when a change >7 mV occurs Experiment control 1 Change V = gauss(-70.0, 5.0) |
> nne_plotPair
zca_raster.setup 7 9 |
nne_plotAverageNeurons zca_raster.setup |
nne_plotRaster zca_raster.setup |
ID: 1-50 Neuron Name: zca Excitatory Connections To: (1-50,0.0,"randRand50-5-directed2.txt") Initial conditions: hhs 0.98786 nns 2.457e-02 bbs 0.203517 zzs 1.41e-03 V -71.8133 s_AMPA 0 Associated Variable Values: Cm 1 Iappx 0.661914 VK -90 VL -70 VNa 55 gA 1.4 gKdr 6 gL 5.e-02 gNa 35 gNaP 0.3 gZ 1 gsyn 1 phi 10 pms 3 pns 4 sigmaa 20 sigmab -6 sigmah -7 sigmam 9.5 sigman 10 sigmap 3 sigmas -2 sigmaz 5 t_tauh -40.5 t_taun -27 tauBs 15 tauZs 75 taus 15 thetaa -50 thetab -80 thetah -45 thetam -30 thetan -35 thetap -47 thetas -10 thetaz -39 xLocation 0 yLocation 0 zLocation 0 |
Dt 0.05 Print Step Size 1 Output V Output On Network: V Raster: V 7.0 Experiment unconnected 2 control 2 Change V = gauss(-70.0, 5.0) Change gsyn /= 5.0 |