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NeuronetExperimenter Installation Guide 

Since NeuronetExperimenter generates optimized C++ code from your models, you need to be able to generate an executable binary on your system. This requires several free development tools. Most of these tools should be accessible on any Unix-compatible system (i.e., Linux, OS X, *BSD, Solaris, etc.).

Required Tools:
GCC 11.X+ - The Gnu Compiler Collection
Python 3.9.X+ - The Python Programming Language Interpreter
GSL - The Gnu Scientific Library for random number generation
OpenMPI - A library for parallel processing communication

!!!! - IMPORTANT - !!!!

To simplify the installation we assume that you do not have root or administrator access to your computer. In that case, we will put all the tools in the user's home directory tree (here assumed to be /home/hayesjohn).

cd ~
mkdir bin include lib

Installing GCC

Linux, Solaris, and *BSD:

GCC is typically installed by default on most Linux distributions or can be selected as an additional package to include during installation. 


GCC is usually NOT installed by default on macOS. Instead, macOS uses Clang which masquerades as GCC. This is included in Xcode with the Apple Developer Command Line Tools and can be installed from the Terminal.app by typing "xcode-select --install" or you can try the following link: https://developer.apple.com/download/more/.

Installing Python

A Python interpreter should already be installed on most Unix-compatible systems. You can confirm this by typing,

python -V

at a command terminal. This will return the Python version that is installed. If the command is not recognized, you can download and install the package from http://www.python.org.

Installing GSL

Download the latest stable version of GSL from the developer's website: http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/. For example, https://mirror.ibcp.fr/pub/gnu/gsl/gsl-latest.tar.gz.

Unpack the source code and build the code as follows (note the comment in blue):

mkdir ~/src
cd ~/src
mv ~/Downloads/gsl-latest.tar.gz ~/src
tar zxvf gsl-latest.tar.gz
./configure --prefix=/home/john
make install              

Installing Open MPI

Download the latest stable version of Open MPI from the developer's website: http://www.open-mpi.org/. For example, https://download.open-mpi.org/release/open-mpi/v5.0/openmpi-5.0.6.tar.gz.

Unpack the source code and build the code as follows (note the comment in blue):

cd ~/src
mv ~/Downloads/
openmpi-5.0.6.tar.gz ~/src
tar zxvf openmpi-5.0.6.tar.gz
./configure --prefix=/home/john
make install              

Installing NeuronetExperimenter

Download the latest stable version of nne from the Sourceforge website.

Unpack the nne source code as follows:

tar zxvf nne-4.0.tar.gz
cd nne

Compile the core nne simulator:

./configure --prefix=/home/john                   
make                            # this builds an executable binary of the core simulator w/o the models included
make install                    # this makes the binary accessible from anywhere on your file system

!!!! - IMPORTANT - !!!!

Add the following paths to these environment variables (likely in ~/.profile, ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile files):
If you set them in the ~/.profile file you will likely have to logout and log back in to your account.
After that, you should be able to type the following to enter the NeuronetExperimenter's interactive mode (program output in GREEN):

NeuronetExperimenter interactive mode

Welcome to NeuronetExperimenter (nne) v4.0
Copyright (C) 2006-2024, J. A. Hayes and J. L. Mendenhall

Neurons this binary supports:

Select one from the following menu:
-1. Enter manually
0. Use the same setup and network file as last time
1. ../
2. docs/
3. include/
4. models/
5. scripts/
6. src/

Ctrl-C to exit

Now if everything is installed, you should be able to go through the tutorials without any problems.

>>Tutorial #1. Building and Running a Simple Single-Neuron Simulation

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